Lemongrass and Pistachio Truffle Shells


  • 250g Whipping Cream (SCM280P)
  • 40g Glucose (SCA119)
  • 2 Drops Lemongrass Spice Drops (SCF1279)
  • 220g Callebaut Pistachio Nut Paste (SCM156)
  • 350g Callebaut 811 Dark Chocolate (SCC500) – plus a little for closing & enrobing (150g)
  • 80g Unsalted Butter
  • Callebaut Dark Truffle Shells (186) – SCC390A
  • Callebaut White Chocolate (SCC520) for enrobing – 150g
  • Mona Lisa Creative Powder; Gold
  • Chopped Pistachios or decoration of choice


These nutty, citrusy and chocolatey truffles are so moreish they won't last long on your shelf! Using ready-made truffle shells makes these chocolates so simple to create, and enrobing the dark shells in white chocolate before sprinkling chopped pistachios on top gives a fantastic multi-layered effect. Delicious with a nice cup of tea!

How to Make Lemongrass and Pistachio Truffle Shells:

Makes approx 186 Truffles 

  1. Bring the Cream and Glucose to the boil then cool to 34°C 
  2. Stir in the butter and then pour onto the 350g of tempered 811 Dark Chocolate (SCC500) and the Pistachio Nut Paste (SCM156) 
  3. Homogenise to create a smooth emulsion and flavour with the Lemongrass spice drops (SCF1279) 
  4. Pipe the prepared ganache into the Callebaut Dark Truffle Shells (SCS390A).  Allow to set. 
  5. Close with Callebaut 811 Dark Chocolate then enrobe in a thin layer of 811 Dark (approx. 150g) (SCC500).  Allow to set. 
  6. Enrobe with another layer of Callebaut W2 White chocolate (SCC320) just so you can see the dark through the white chocolate. 
  7. Immediately decorate with chopped pistachios or decorations of your choice and sprinkle with Gold Sparkling Truffle Powder (SCC829A) before the chocolate sets. 

Enjoyed this recipe? Next time, why not swap the lemongrass for orange flavouring and the pistachio paste for hazelnut and almond paste?

Approximate costs

186 Truffles
per Truffle
Please note: All costs are based on current Keylink List prices and up-to-date supermarket prices for non-Keylink products. These are given in good faith. These recipe costs could be lower if you benefit from Keylink discounts.