Chocolate Mint Mocha


  • 30g Van Houten Passion Chocolate Powder (CNC340)
  • 200ml Milk or Dairy Alternative
  • 2 Drops of Mint Flavouring (SCF0657)


What better combination is there than dark chocolate and mint? This would make the perfect after dinner drink for when your guests are too full for dessert, but still fancy something sweet!

How to Make a Chocolate Mint Mocha:

Enjoyed this recipe? Why not try swapping the Passion Powder for White Chocolate Powder, the chocolate sauce for white chocolate sauce, and top with white chocolate shavings, for a sumptuous Peppermint Mocha!

Approximate costs

Per mug
Please note: All costs are based on current Keylink List prices and up-to-date supermarket prices for non-Keylink products. These are given in good faith. These recipe costs could be lower if you benefit from Keylink discounts.