Ruby, Rhubarb & Ginger


  • 300g Cream (SCM280P)
  • 550g Callebaut Ruby Chocolate (SCC595)
  • 65g Glucose (SCA118)
  • 75g Butter
  • Q.S. Rhubarb Spice Drops (SCF0691)
  • Q.S. Ginger Spice Drops (SCF0660)
  • Q.S Gold Creative Powder (SCR460)
  • 180g Callebaut Ruby Chocolate (SCC595)


Zesty rhubarb, warming ginger, and sour yet creamy Ruby chocolate, all rolled up in one delicious ganache bonbon! With our handy flavouring drops, rhubarb is an all-year round treat, and paired with ginger it's a perfect winter warmer. 

How to Make Ruby, Rhubarb & Ginger Chocolates:

1. Bring the cream, glucose, rhubarb flavouring drops and ginger spice drops to the boil.

2. Once boiling, remove from the heat, allow to cool to 80*C.

3. In a bowl, combine the Ruby chocolate and butter. Pour the cream mix over the chocolate and emulsify with a hand blender.

4. Cool to 35*C before filling the moulds.


1. Cast the mould with Ruby Chocolate.

2. Pipe the ganache into the mould, leaving a 2mm gap for the base.

3. Once the ganache has firmed up, cap the chocolates.

4. Dust the finished bonbons with gold creative powder

Enjoyed this recipe? Try it with a fruity flavour-profile dark chocolate, like Luker Heritage Macondo.

Approximate costs

Makes 120 Chocolates
Please note: All costs are based on current Keylink List prices and up-to-date supermarket prices for non-Keylink products. These are given in good faith. These recipe costs could be lower if you benefit from Keylink discounts.