Creamy White Gelato


  • 1kg of Colac Neutral White Base (SGC1006P)
  • 3kg Whole Milk


The base for all your wildest gelato dreams, this quick and simple white gelato recipe allows you to put your own twist on it with all manner of ripples, inclusions, decorations and toppings! Or simply serve it alone, on top of desserts and puddings, and in cones alongside your other flavours for a sweet and creamy accompaniment.

How to Make Creamy White Gelato:

  1. Heat the milk (70-85°c) 
  2. Add the Colac neutral base and blend for 2+ minutes 
  3. Then churn, decorate and store as you would normally 

Enjoyed this recipe? You can really let your creativity shine with this simple white gelato recipe as your staple base. Have fun with it!

Approximate costs

4 kg batch
Please note: All costs are based on current Keylink List prices and up-to-date supermarket prices for non-Keylink products. These are given in good faith. These recipe costs could be lower if you benefit from Keylink discounts.